London, Waterloo, Tunnels and the Artful Badger

By |2024-08-18T17:56:43+00:00February 19th, 2013|Categories: Events, Performance|

This Saturday just gone contained a really fun night of rope for us. Before I get onto the night itself I want to say a thank you to Nawashi Murakawa for getting us involved in this event. We were able to get us to some excellent parking opposite the stage door. Now onto the night of performances itself. The audience for these shows were not a rope crowd, but they were a very appreciative mixture of party and festival people, many of them very dressed up for the night in all manner of classy, sexy and feathered outfits. Clover was looking stunning in kimono as always.  The theme of the night was 'Japanese' and the room we were in was strictly shoes off! The performances (galleries coming soon) were very enjoyable for us. We had nothing planned and not even any music prepared. This was actually an opportunity for us to just let things flow and see how they went. We were first on and the show settled into a very deliberate rhythm. We completely lost track of time and were surprised when we'd finished to be told that we'd been going for nearly an hour. It honestly felt like no time at all. Next up were shows from JackWhipper and Zahara and then us again. (If I've got that order wrong I apologise.) What I loved was that all our shows had different personalities. Those people that returned to see more than one show saw something different every time. It turned out that we had the honour of finishing as well as starting we still didn't know what we'd be doing and just went with the music (kindly put together by JackWhipper and containing only one track we'd heard [...]

On certification

By |2017-02-13T00:01:56+00:00February 7th, 2013|Categories: Learning|Tags: , |

There has been some 'debate' recently about people being certified for their bondage skills. There are many arguments both for and against this idea... Individual certification Attendance Firstly it's important to remember that there are teaches already that have certificates of attendance for bondage courses. These do not make any promises about the quality of the student, how completely and not how well they learned the subject matter of the class. In short they say nothing about competence, they just confirm attendance. Competence Some systems do provide certificates once people reach a certain verifiable level and have obtained competence and required skills. A very few of these are credible because of the very high standards they maintain and because of the consistency of method they use to teach and to evaluate. Most importantly they also require a long term commitment to excellence. That is to say they are not just meaningless pieces of paper handed out to anyone that turned up and paid their money on one or two days. They spent weeks, months or even years obtaining serious skills. That then seems at the moment to be the outliers of certification, such as it is in rope bondage. My problem with general certification The reason there has not been a system of certification so far is that nobody really can agree on what basic competence consists of or how to satisfactorily measure it. This is why it has been the province so far of small, defined and dedicated schools. Certification, to be widely recognised needs acceptance by a large number of people and for that to happen you need standardisation. This is where the problem for me lies. People can, and do, argue to the end [...]

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