Yukimura Haruki in Copenhagen

By |2024-08-18T18:49:07+00:00August 31st, 2012|Categories: Events, Learning|Tags: , , , |

Part 1 This week we shall (thanks to clover) be going to study newaza with grand master Yukimura Haruki. I am SO excited to be doing this. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn from one of the very best! It's always exciting for me to have an opportunity to learn so as the date approaches I'm really starting to feel the excitement. Clover surprised me with this trip for my birthday treat, how cool is that? I'll be blogging about the experience afterwards but for now... how cool is that? Part 2 What a really good learning experience does is open your mind to new possibilites, possibilities you hadn't suspected before. Further it gives you a way into those new experiences. One thing that I think is worth emphasising is the tremendous contribution that the interpreters made to this class. In a large part due to the fact that not only were they there because they spoke excellent Japanese but also they were students of Yukimura Sensei and therefore understood what they were translating and could also spot the mistakes that we made during the day. They were very much part of making the day what it was. Through watching videos of the grand master tying I had some idea of what Yukimura Sensei was about but learning from him showed how easy it is to fail to understand what someone is really doing from just watching. I had thought that a large part of what he was doing was not so to speak 'in the visible range' and that proved to be the case. I shall certainly be re-viewing his videos with new eyes now. This might be disappointing to some readers but one thing I'm [...]

Teaching in Queens

By |2024-08-18T18:53:18+00:00August 28th, 2012|Categories: Teaching|Tags: , , , |

While we were staying in Queens we had a teaching session with a local New York rope enthusiast Joey Red. There's not a lot I can say about this class except that Joey worked really hard and really took in a lot. It was a very good session and it was a pleasure to see him make progress. And also kind of fun to melt his brain a little.

Kinbaku Shoot with Nina Russ

By |2016-10-28T16:39:58+00:00August 27th, 2012|Categories: Shoots|Tags: , , , |

I've already blogged about a couple of our visits to London. We've really enjoyed both occasions. On the second visit we stayed over in London and did a bit of an exchange rope shoot in the morning. I tied Nina Russ and  Clover photographed the sessions. We all had a great time and you can see the results of this below. Thanks to Clover for taking these fabulous pictures.

Legarti (Rome)

By |2024-08-18T18:54:29+00:00August 21st, 2012|Categories: Events, Performance|Tags: , , , , |

Coming to re-write these blogs Legarti seems both a long time ago and very fresh in my memory. Firstly we were naturally enough very excited to be going to Rome. We'd never been before and this was going to be an exciting adventure in many ways. What a great time we had, the hospitality shown to us in Rome was second to none and I really mean that. The whole trip was an amazing experience. We even got to be tourists and saw some of the sights of Rome. Just an incredible city. Our thanks to Stefano Laforgia who put us up in his home and showed us some of the wonderful sights of Rome. The sights were just wonderful and it was so great for us to be able to see something of a city we visit. I have to say, OMG... the Coffee, the Icecream, the wonderful food at a great family restaurant. The wine! Mouth watering just thinking of it. So, on to the purpose of the visit the Legarti bondage festival. Asside from myself and Clover the other preformers were to the best of my memory Riccardo Sergnese with Redsabbath, Andrea Ropes, DolcissimaBastarda and was at the delightful space Lost and Found studio. There had been a lot of bad publicity in Italy about bondage after a kink accident that had nothing to do with Japanese style rope work had been labeld shibari by the press. I have to say what a great thing it was that this event happened such a short time after, with the Italian press invited to see what rope bondage was really about. Sadly we have no video and only a couple of snaps of the performance, what we do have however [...]

Bound 2 (London 2012)

By |2024-08-18T18:58:37+00:00August 20th, 2012|Categories: Events, Performance|Tags: , , |

Our second time at bound was a great night. On reason we specially wanted to make this particular night was that Nawakiri Shin was going to perform and we wanted to meet him. He is the only rigger we knew of from Tiwan and he'd also performed at Hajimi Kinoko's festival Tobaku in Japan. It was again a great night of performances. There are some riggers in London that are making real strides forward and the quality of some performances was visibly improving. Here it will not surprise you that I'm going to concentrate on Nawakiri Shin's performance at Bound. The thing that struck me about Shin's performance right away was how theatrical it was. There was a scripted story, delightfully there was also comedy. The performance was entitled 'Monster'  and I won't spool the joke for you if you haven't seen it. I don't think I'll spoil too many secrets however if I say Cute Schoolgirl gets tied up and sadistic things happen to her. It was a lot of fun. They were a lot of fun. Really looking forward to seeing them again at the London festival. We also did a little something. Pics of our performance below.

Bound 1 (London 2012)

By |2024-08-18T19:00:01+00:00August 19th, 2012|Categories: Events, Performance|Tags: , , , , |

This was our first time at Bound so we weren't too sure what to expect. First up the venue The Flying Dutchman this is a great venue and they've gone to lengths to make it accommodating to the rope kink crowd. Suspension points abound. Next up is the crowd themselves. This is the most concentrated rope loving crowd I've come across outside of a festival. It was a really great atmosphere and we had a raging night. The only real downer was having to go home again (especially as this includes a 3 hour drive for us). We'll be back at this event again. You can be sure Here's a video of our performance on the night. And a few images.

Twisted Leprechaun (Dublin 2011)

By |2024-08-18T19:06:12+00:00August 17th, 2012|Categories: Events, Festivals, Performance|Tags: , , , , |

Twisted Leprechaun was Irelands first fetish festival. There is a lot goes into a festival event and I can only congratulate all the people who worked behind the scenes to make it so memorable. There are always problems behind the scenes but it's a testament to those behind the scenes that pretty much nobody attending the event saw them.

Nemesis rope shows (2010)

By |2024-08-18T19:10:35+00:00August 16th, 2012|Categories: Events, Performance|Tags: , , , , , |

This was a bit of an intense shibari session. Clover spaced out very early on in the performance and even though we were up on a stage in an art deco ballroom it managed to feel very intimate. The music was perfect for the sustained mood of the show and it all went off very well.

Wimbledon common are we

By |2024-08-18T19:14:48+00:00August 15th, 2012|Categories: Random|Tags: , , , , , |

Well Friday was a bit different to the usual. Took the girl down to London for a shoot. Having dropped her off I had a couple of hours to kill so called up Hedwig who's suffering with an essay and asked if she fancied some lunch. Nice lunch was had just off Brick Lane. It was a lovely day and beautifully sunny. It was a shame to let the conviviality end so we thought maybe we would sort out a pick-nick for the afternoon. (Mainly Hedwig's idea.) A few phone calls later and we planned to pick up the girl from the shoot, collect Will and Ella and meet at Wimbledon Common. The girl meanwhile has changed into her schoolgirl uniform and got ID'd in Tesco while we were buying supplies. Had a good pick-nick, a good laugh and then wouldn't you know it, off into the woods for some Alfresco bondage. Few nice outdoor suspensions, much talk and laughter and an incident with a Dalmatian later and time to head off as the day cooled down.   Dropped of Hedwig and then headed back up to Derbyshire. Tired but happy. A good day!

WickedOne (Bristol 2012)

By |2024-08-18T19:29:10+00:00August 14th, 2012|Categories: Events|Tags: , , , |

It's always great when you can be part of a new event. We had a great time at this one in Bristol. There were a lot of very different demos and interests, some quality vending and a very fun play party in the evening. All this despite some local event times conflicting and even some local scene falling outs caused attendance to perhaps not be what it might have been. I really hope that the organiser of this event persists. There was a lot of good information shared at this event and those that decided to give it a miss for whatever reason missed out. If it runs again we'll certainly try to make it again.

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