A love letter.

By |2024-08-17T23:55:03+00:00August 29th, 2017|Categories: Random|Tags: |

If I could be sentimental for a moment... Without a doubt, without question my partner in life Clover is the best part of that life. I cannot imagine life without her and cannot imagine I'd be the person I am now were we not together. She's taken some of my sharper edges off and I'm better for having known her. I've also caused her to be a bit more like me in some ways, you may debate amongst yourselves if that's a good thing or not. Our lives in and out of kink are intertwined with who we are and everything we do to such an extent it's all just aspects of who we are and in all of those aspects she is a part of my life and who I am, who I've become. She loves me and wants the best for me. That's something amazing for me. Something very precious that makes life so much better. I want the best for her too. I so very much want for her to be happy and perhaps selfishly I want to be a cause of her happiness. When it seems people are mad and the world is going crazy we have each other. I'm generally an up and doing kind of person and Clover's usually got a todo list the length of your arm but between us in a morning warm together in bed there is a beautiful stillness where the world can go hang and the world can wait 'just a few more minutes' until we have to get up and get on with the work of the day. This is a love letter. One that could only be sent in the internet age. [...]

Shibari (not shibari again)

By |2016-10-28T16:39:55+00:00August 1st, 2016|Categories: Random|

As I can't help but find these a bit weird and funny and after the delay spray post it got pointed out to me that there was more of this stuff... Shibari intimate lubricant! From a recent review Taste – This lubricant is unique, very unique. According to Amazon reviewers, Shibari’s taste is not very unpleasant. Most people describe its taste as similar to that of black licorice. Viscosity – Just as Shibari’s tastes is uncommon, so is its thickness/viscosity. It is neither a pure gel nor a pure liquid. The lube seems to combine properties of gel and liquid. It spills out rather easily and quickly and its consistency is sort of gooey. Ingredients – Our sexy bottle says that the lube is made up of aqua or purified water, propylene glycol, glycerin, Methylparaben, propylparaben, diazolidinyl, hydroxyethylcellulose and urea. Is it natural? – A natural product will hardly contain a manmade ingredient. Based on what is listed above as ingredients, you can clearly see glycerin and parabens (Methyparaben and propylparaben), for instance, which are artificial. So there you have it Shibari is gooey tastes like black licorice and is not entirely natural. You may agree with one of more of these assertions. p.s. These #Random posts are just for fun and you shouldn't take them seriously.

Weird shibari related reference (Shibari not Shibari) shibari TRITON

By |2016-10-28T16:39:55+00:00July 31st, 2016|Categories: Random|Tags: , |

Sometimes you come across odd things on the internet. I don't know why this has the word shibari in it but it does and it's something you can buy on Amazon. Shibari Triton Spray Men's Desensitizing Spray with Maximum Strength Lidocaine Prolonged Intimacy Stimulant. Shibari Triton is formulated to help prolong sexual pleasure in men by delaying ejaculation, increasing endurance and maximizing performance. The Shibari Triton Delay spray, or Premature Ejaculation spray, is designed for prematurex while ensuring no transfer to your partner. Shibari Triton was formulated with the strongest dose possible of 10 mg Lidocaine, so it will be sure to maximize your pleasure! Paraphrasing Eels Lidocaine for the.... no that doesn't work. Well it's sex related anyway but why shibari? We may never know, we may never know why triton either. It just seemed an odd thing to me considering my usual interests and thought it might raise a little bit of a smile. Shibari triton. Nothing to do with the meaning of the word 'shibari' in any sense or context at all but definitely a thing that apparently exists.

Youtube videos

By |2016-10-28T16:39:55+00:00February 16th, 2016|Categories: Learning, Random|

OK so as an experiment I've started making some Youtube videos that aren't tutorials as such but discussions about things that come up or answers to questions from you guys. I can't guarantee that I'll answer everything but if you make a good suggestion I'll have a good go at making a video about it. Here's the channel. If you have suggestions please let me know here or on social media. Twitter Facebook Fetlife

Taboo magazine cover Shibari Bondage

By |2013-12-29T13:05:26+00:00December 29th, 2013|Categories: Random, Shoots|Tags: , , , , , , |

In an excellent round of to our working year we have a magazine cover. This is the cover of Hustler's Taboo magazine. The model for this shoot was the lovely and very sexy MaYa Homerton. A wonderful model to work with and just one of the nicest people you could wish to work with. We're looking forward to working with her again in the new year. This year has seen so much good stuff and it's a delight to end on another high point. Just amazing for us. Thank you to everyone who's given us great feedback on this. We really appreciate it.   Dave.

Mr Nice

By |2012-09-19T23:16:01+00:00September 19th, 2012|Categories: Random, Teaching|Tags: , , |

I am not Mr Nice. When it comes to teaching I am not. I do do my best to be Mr Patient, Mr Understanding & Mr Informative. But let's be honest, you, I hope, didn't hire me to be your friend, you hired me to improve your bondage. Bondage is serious and can be seriously dangerous so I take teaching bondage seriously. I also take very seriously the responsibility of teaching. If you have a good time in a lesson that's just great, I hope you do. But that is not my goal. My goal is that you go away doing better bondage than you were before the lesson. If you're making mistakes I'll do my best to be Mr Tactful about it. However I will not be Mr Flattery, I will not deceive you into thinking that you're doing better than you are. Nor will I fill you with a false sense of confidence or accomplishment because I'm not Mr Disingenuous. I will not teach you beyond your ability, because I am not Mr Irresponsible. If you are not serious about wanting to learn, do not come to me. There are plenty of teachers who will make you feel good about yourself regardless of your ability. Go to them by all means if that is what you're after. Personally in lessons I'm not trying to be Mr Likeable. I will not praise that which is not praiseworthy. I will do my best to improve your rope as much as I am able. I am I hope Mr Conciencious. I am and can be many people. But! I am not Mr Nice.

Wimbledon common are we

By |2024-08-18T19:14:48+00:00August 15th, 2012|Categories: Random|Tags: , , , , , |

Well Friday was a bit different to the usual. Took the girl down to London for a shoot. Having dropped her off I had a couple of hours to kill so called up Hedwig who's suffering with an essay and asked if she fancied some lunch. Nice lunch was had just off Brick Lane. It was a lovely day and beautifully sunny. It was a shame to let the conviviality end so we thought maybe we would sort out a pick-nick for the afternoon. (Mainly Hedwig's idea.) A few phone calls later and we planned to pick up the girl from the shoot, collect Will and Ella and meet at Wimbledon Common. The girl meanwhile has changed into her schoolgirl uniform and got ID'd in Tesco while we were buying supplies. Had a good pick-nick, a good laugh and then wouldn't you know it, off into the woods for some Alfresco bondage. Few nice outdoor suspensions, much talk and laughter and an incident with a Dalmatian later and time to head off as the day cooled down.   Dropped of Hedwig and then headed back up to Derbyshire. Tired but happy. A good day!

Sick bondage pictures

By |2024-08-18T19:32:15+00:00July 19th, 2012|Categories: Random|Tags: , , , , |

On another site someone went to the trouble of posting a little public message on my profile. I found it interesting for a couple of reasons. They must have really trawled to find my stuff. The site in question has adult content warnings that you have to deliberately turn off to see adult images. Given the layout of the site they must have seen 4 of my pictures before entering my gallery then had to look through another 20 pictures before reaching the point that they felt they had to comment and presumably then stop perving. Ugh, you and all the people on (site name removed)  who take pictures like this are such CREEPS!!! ughhh.... And here's my reply to them. Hey, nice of you to give some feedback. If you look at most of the pictures in my profile you'll realise that the girl pictured here is in fact the photographer for the greater number of the pictures. What I'm saying is that we're partners and do what we enjoy as consenting adults together. That's our consent, not yours, your opinion, consent, thought or lack of is irrelevant. Also you might want to consider that you made an effort to come and find these pictures (how creepy is that?), no one made you look. So if this is truly distressing to you I'd suggest that you don't look. Unless of course you were looking for something to be outraged about? In which case happy to have helped. This btw . is the terrible picture that inspired them.I just found it funny really though it does make me wonder what it's like in some people's heads.  


By |2016-10-28T16:39:58+00:00July 16th, 2012|Categories: Random|

Just a collection of random comments from the old site, such as was recoverable. Real writing and comment to be found on WykD.com Mastery Some things take only hours to learn but a lifetime to master. 22/09/2011 A mystery. It's not a mystery why one person is good at rope, it's a mystery why so many are bad at it.31/08/2011 About rope. Rope is not about rope.08/08/2011 I don't do rope. I don't do rope. I do people, but I do them with rope.10/06/2011 Unanswered questions It’s only the unanswered questions that remain fascinating.Of course they are the infuriating ones too. But the pursuit of the answer is what drives us on.The people that you care about always seem to provide more questions than answers. I used to have a very great desire to be a musician. Though I practiced and became competent, I could read music, play reasonably, I never had the talent that would lift me above the mediocre. Now I see many that have a great desire to be good at rope bondage. I have great sympathy for those that try so hard, and like myself with music many simply don't have the talent for rope bondage, and no amount of trying will lift them further.I think one of the greatest shames of life is that a person may never discover their true talent. 22/02/2011 A moment of wonderful helpless suffering, the beauty of it grips my heart like her hand, holding so tight, pleading not to be let go. 21/02/2011 Sometimes it's more about becoming than being. 21/02/2011 I fear I am an unashamed addicted sensualist, Addicted not only to sensation but to being the cause of sensation in others. 21/02/2011 Does your work speak for [...]

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